Marvel Legends Spider-Man Homecoming Figures Revealed!

Check out NightWolf and Erimus Prime talking about the latest in Marvel toy news!

Overall, these figures looks great! We’ve already seen Vulture, but the rest of the figures are new. There is no Build-A-Figure for this wave, rather Vulture’s wings will be assembled from pieces from each figure. Vulture is a good figure, but without his wings, there’s really nothing too special looking about him. The homemade costume looks really nice, and even though it is pretty simplistic, it ended up being NightWolf and Erimus Prime’s favorite figure of the wave. Also, it is a completely new mold. The Movie figure also looks pretty cool with its web-wings and all. There may be some remolding in the torso and minor remolding elsewhere, but it doesn’t appear to be a completely new mold. Overall, it’s a nice figure, but nothing extraordinarily different from the plethora of Marvel Legends Spider-Man figures we’ve gotten previously. The last two figures in the wave are actually part of a two-pack. First, we see the Civil War Spider-Man, which appears to be the exact same one that was released before, though the web shooters look like they may be different. but we can’t be sure. Finally, we have the movie Iron Man figure, which clearly draws it’s color scheme from Ultimate Iron Man. Basically, on the arms and hands the metallic areas look alright, but on the torso and legs, its just looks unfinished. This color scheme doesn’t look nearly as odd on Ultimate Iron Man because his actual armor structure fits it better. On this figure, however, it doesn’t really work.

The wave looks nice overall, but nothing too standout besides the homemade costume. Make sure to watch the video for more insight, and don’t forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

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